Since I have been working from home during the days I really want to get out of the house at night so I haven't been doing much decorating. Yesterday I reorganized Philip's record collection and started revamping our old bamboo shades to make them fit our new windows.
In knitting news I ripped apart the legwarmers I was working on an started over. I made a mistake early on and instead of ripping it when I had the chance I kept going (always a mistake.) I finally got to the point where I couldn't stand it so I frogged the entire thing and started over. I am only about 5 inches in, but I am sure they will fly once I have some TV viewing time. Nieves gave me a gift certificate to a yarn store in Santa Fe and I bought yarn and needles for the hurry up spring armwarmers. I am really focusing on body part warmers right now since we are paying for our heat in this new place so we are keeping the thermostat low.
Last night I went to my first Lexington snb meeting which was a lot of fun. A few of the girls from the group just launched a new knitting e-zine called the anticraft so if you haven't seen it yet I highly suggest you check it out. I think that I am really going to enjoy his new snb, but I do miss the girls from the Va. Beach group, hopefully I will be able to drop in when I have to go back to Norfolk.
I barely look at snb nation (I didn't buy it -- I won it -- and I haven't had a strong desire to use it yet), but just today, I cracked open the book to look at mitten/arm warmers/hat type stuff. My eyes glanced at the Lexington snb picture,and I thought "I wonder if these girls are fun and if Robyn will like knitting with them." Do you do that -- look at pictures and wonder about who they are? Well, I did that today, so it's nice to hear that they are cool and you like them. Though of course you miss your old knitting peep.
Also, I didn't even realize that they were the ones who launched anticraft, a website I just learned about in the last few days. I'd really like to make Eternal Embrace.
p.s. I feel AWFUL! Achy all over, throat, tired, nauseous. Any super vegan ideas? (I know this post is more like an email that everyone gets to read. Sorry about that!)
I take ARA-Larix when I start to feel sick and it usually stops whatever is attacking me. It is an immune builder so it works with an type of illness.
hmm, where do you get it? I'm home from work today...
You can get it at a health food or vitamin store. Any place tha sells herbal suppliments will have it.
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