In yet another attempt to improve my baking skills, I decided to make cupcakes tonight. I used the pumpkin chocolate chip cupcake recipe from
Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. I had to make a few changes since I am not at home and don't have access to a full kitchen or the money for ingredients that I am only going to use once. The only major change was the removal of the chocolate chips. I went to the health food store and they were out of chocolate chips and since I am not a big chocolate fan I decided to leave them out. The cupcakes are cooling, but I already tasted one and it was fantastic. They aren't super sweet and without the icing (which I haven't added yet) they could be served as sweet muffins. Tomorrow I will add the cinnamon icing and serve. Yummy!!!
In other news, I came to work on Wednesday to an email message from my friend Angie telling me there was a pressie at her desk for me. Of course I rushed down to find that she made me this fabulous bag. How did I ever get so lucky?
holy jehooosaphat that is a fine bag. so jealous!
Cool bag!
I made those cupcakes today and O.M.G!! are they good. *drool* I think the choco chips actually aren't necessary and I'm planning on leaving them out next time. Pumpkin rocks!
I am going to try the green tea cupcakes next since I was so impressed by the pumpkin ones. This cookbook might be what starts my baking spree.
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