Even though both Philip and I grew up in Catholic families, neither of us really celebrates Easter; most year we don't even remember when it is. We do, however, celebrate our days off and Easter just happened to fall on one of those precious days this year so yesterday we had our first ever Easter brunch. We started the day with coffee at
Third Street Cafe which was completely empty thanks to the holiday. We stayed for a few hours while Philip worked on a drawing and I worked on some top secret knitting that I will reveal in a few weeks. Around 12:30pm the church crowd started pouring in so we took that as our sign to go home and start on brunch. We made a tofu scramble with red peppers, spinach, and soyrizo, some mini hash browns and toast which we enjoyed with peppery bloody Marys. The meal was spectacular!

After brunch we played
X-Men Legends II which I am really getting into. I am notoriously bad at video games so when I find one that I don't suck at I get pretty excited. After that we watched movies and read for the rest of the evening. It was a very relaxing day, something I need more of.
do you know anywhere i can get chorizo aside from the evil mart of wall? i love that stuff.
Krogers on Euclid.
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