I woke up way too early yesterday, which is becoming the trend with me, so I decided to give my new drum carder a spin. I've had it since Tuesday, but I have been so busy with work and work that I still hadn't even tried it out. I carded 5 batts total out of odds and ends. I am really happy with the way they came out and most importantly, I am really happy with the carder. I have no idea what brand (if any) this carder is, but I really like the speed and the quality of the finished batts. I named the blend on the right peanut butter and jelly sandwich and the one on the left is still unnamed.
Last night we finished the last disc of Degrassi Junior High which means next week we get to move to Degrassi High!! I won't spoil the big ending for those of you that are planning to watch the series (which should be anyone who came of age in the late 80's, early 90's,) but I will say that it was hot. After the show we did some research on Degrassi High to find out which characters are staying and which ones are leaving. Unfortunately, we got side tracked trying to figure out who Amy was (for those wondering she is the girl who was always with Allison, both minor characters.) I should also mention that season three was when they started trying to look like an American show. You see several characters wearing shirts, jerseys, jackets, etc. containing various American teams and schools. They also used American bills in the $20 episode. They still have the heavy Canadian accents, but so do people in northern Minnesota and Wisconsin so that could have been the hope of the producers.
In other news, our trip to Oregon has been postponed until the Spring. We were excited to go this fall after I quit my job, but it seems that the only times we can go are two weeks before and one week after Robert and Bambu come here so it seems kinda silly. Instead we are shooting for April which should be fairly warm, well at least not freezing. We are also thinking about taking a train one way and flying the other. Neither of us have seen much of the west (just California, Nevada, New Mexico and Oregon) so a train would be a great way to check out the terrain without having to drive. Originally we talked about taking the train there and flying back, but I think it might be more relaxing to fly there and take the train back. We are going to get a small sleeper car so we will have privacy, a place to sleep, and provided meals. Of course, all of this is dependent on how much vacation time Philip will have at that point and how much we have left in our savings since the train ride adds about three days to the trip and costs a whole lot more than flying.
Don't worry, whenever you go I'll be available to Rock Band sit for ya. ;)
I love the PBJ batt!! It looks yummy, like PB pulled taffy.
Keep up the plan. It's really pretty out that way. We drove through everything so quickly, we would have liked to have had more time to see stuff, but we were on a schedule and not really on a vacation.
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