
And I'm off

I am on my way to LA and since I will have no computer access there will be no blogging until Monday. The good news is when I return I should have lots of projects and pictures to share. I have lots of knitting, reading and even a special "flying to Californ-i-a" music mix on my iPod to keep me busy during my travel time. I also have a list of lys's in LA just in case I have some down-time, which doesn't look too likely.

shrugHere is the picture of my staff shrug so far. I had to make some adjustments in the pattern after reading about jae's issues with using a non-elastic yarn. I changed the needle size to 9 and added stitches to make up the difference. It also looks like I am going to need to add an inch or two to the length. I am hoping to finish this weekend so I can post pictures on Monday, but we will see how much knitting time I actually have. See you next week!


Michelle said...

oh I meant to say how I really like how it's coming out here. I do. I'm glad that you're working on it cause you keep reminding me that I am, too. On the way home from Boston I was completing the last ruffle, but since I got back I haven't touched it. I hope to get to that this weekend!

Robyn Wade said...

I am just getting ready to start the second ruffle. I can't wait to finish so I can try it on. What color did you do yours in?

Michelle said...

I still haven't finished it yet (I've been busy with school but mostly it's because I'm excited about legwarmers).

It's patons katrina limon. Here's a link:
click here