
Too many yarns to choose from

So this morning I got up early to pick a color for my Clapotis. I looked at the colors that SWTC offers, but I also noticed that the Classic Elite's Bam Boo is on sale at the purl soho store. Now I can't decide if I want to use the SWTC bamboo or try something so totally new. Has anyone tried the Bam Boo? It looks so lovely in the picture and with shipping the price will be the same for both yarns. I like the SWTC bamboo because it comes in variegated colors which will knit up nicely, but I like the look and the texture of the Bam Boo. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Anonymous said...

The Clapoti's that I've liked the best have had some varigation in the yarn. I would go with that, and as far as color, try to picture yourself wrapped up, looking all French-like, with it over your coat (so it should go well with the coat). Good luck. Picking colors can be so hard!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, forgot to add that I'm a vegetarian lurker/non-blogger (must start one soon!)/try to be vegan. Janet

Robyn Wade said...

I love lurkers. I get so excited when new people post to my blog.

I think that I am going to go with the varigated yarn like I orginally planned. Thanks for the advice. *robyn