
A little update

I just joined the Lexington Beaver Scouts, a scout troop based on the book You Can Do It which I wrote about in a previous post. The Beaver Scouts are open to both men and women in the Lexington area who want to learn new skills and improve their lives. The group should really be up and running in the next few weeks with meetings and maybe some fun clothing accessories (isn't that the whole point.) If you live in Lexington you should totally check this group out.

In related news, I think I might learn fire twirling. It was brought up last night and I laughed it off just figuring that I would catch myself on fire, but when I looked up the class online I got really excited about the idea. The poi spinning class is taught at Mecca on Saturdays from 2-3pm, the perfect time for me to take a class. I just need to sit down and figure out if I can actually afford to take this class.

I am almost finished with my last sock so I am definitely getting the gold medal. I am also going to finish my article for the Spring/Summer TBTK, a comic that Philip and I are collaborating on, and a couple of pieces for Lecture, all by next Wednesday. I have a lot to do this weekend.

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