
40 before 40, part 1

The other night Sarabeth was talking about the 40 things that she wants to do before she turns 40. She had quite an impressive list started so I started thinking about my goals. My big goal was to open a store before I turned 30 which is now done, so what is left. I have just over a year before my 30th birthday so it is too late to make my 30 list which means that I am going to go ahead and make a 40 list with a few changes. I am color-coding this list to represent things to do before I am 30, 35, and 40 since some are shorter term goals that need to be finished sooner.

Here is the start of my list, in no particular order
1. Pay off the store loan
2. Work for myself
3. Finish school (I started working 2 classes shy of finishing my degree and I still haven't gotten around to finishing it off. Just because I won't use it doesn't mean I shouldn't get it.)
4. Buy a house
5. Pay off 2/3 of the mortgage
6. Go to Hawaii
7. Attend SXSW
8. Get one of my patterns published in a knitting book
9. Learn to spin on a wheel and create art yarns
10. Make a music video
11. Learn Spanish
12. Learn to bake well
13. Publish my Southern Vegan's Guide to Domesticity (even if just through a vanity press)
14. Start and maintain a vermicompost pile
15. Figure out the whole kid thing and if we decide to adopt, get the paperwork going
16. Design and plant a successful garden
17. Learn to like brussel sprouts (they are so healthy, but I can't stand to eat them)
18. Become a master knitter.
19. Learn to keep my house clean
20. Run a significant distance


Michelle said...

This is an excellent list! I didn't like brussel sprouts at all for most of my life. Cooked too long, cooked with vinegar, ugh!

But ever since I had them roasted with a cornmeal crust -- oh, so good! I wish I had them more. A few weeks ago, I had a whole stalk of them so they were so fresh, and so I took them off, washed them, rolled them in oil and then rolled them in a mixture of cornmeal, bread crumbs, and salt, and then roasted for 30 minutes in a hot oven. That's my main advice for that.

As for the other things, I wish I had my goals nearly as together as you do.

Anonymous said...

Brussel sprouts?! Even Jeremy loves brussel sprouts! And Jeremy won't eat anything green unless it was man-made.
Try cooking them up, drain and add "butter," lemon or lime juice, salt and pepper. Simple, but fricken' yum, dude! And Michelle's corn-meal receipe sounds awesome, too.

heart, Nieves

robiewankenobie said...

come with me to my spanish class! wednesday nights at six! for freeeee!

Robyn Wade said...

I teach on Wednesdays at 6. Poop!!! Where is your class?

Raellyn said...

When do you want me to do a vermicomposting class with you? We imported our worms with us all the way from Oregon when we moved. Bug and I will probably be harvesting compost within the next month and a half, so we can start you an under-the-sink bin then...

simply patti said...

I love this list! Gardening is a joy that will give forever...