
30 Days of Creativity: Week One

Instead of trying to blog everyday for the 30 Days of Creativity challenge I am going to do a weekly wrap-up entry here. If you want to see my daily entries as they happen, you can check out the Twitter feed I set up for the challenge.

Day One: I heart Kentucky block print.
The first day of the challenge just so happened to be Kentucky's birthday so I created a linocut of the state and printed cards.
Day Two: dyeing with red onion skins.
I did blog this one- here.
Day Three: turning a Navajo spindle.
My fist disc on the lathe. I had some issues with the grain, mainly me trying to make the wood do what I wanted instead of doing what the wood wanted, but overall I am happy with the result. It is a 30" spindle weighing 5.45oz with a cherry whorl and a walnut shaft and it's totally balanced.
Day Four: fabric fortune cookies.
This was a joint effort with my friend Jessi. We made fabric fortune cookies, filled them with fortunes and compliments and hid them around downtown for others to find.
Day Five: dyeing Lincoln locks.
I bought a bunch of Lincoln locks at the Kentucky Sheep and Fiber fest last month and I am slowly dyeing them up in bright colors for future projects.
Day Six: overspun mohair single.
Spun from a mohair/wool cloud I carded, it is the beginning of a future project.
Day Seven: spray painting my bike basket and adding some crochet heart streamers.
My original plan was to paint my bike bell, but I couldn't resist  spray painting the basket and adding some streamers as well. I painted the bell, but it was a failure so I will have to sand it down and try it again on another day.

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